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Couple Utilize Social Media To Bring Attention To Child Custody

On behalf of Tasha K. Schaffner of Schaffner Family on Thursday, January 4, 2018.

Those who serve their country make many sacrifices, including losing time with their children in the event he or she is deployed to distant locations. Unfortunately, these deployments may sometimes result in a non-custodial parent seeking modifications to current child custody orders. There may be several Kentucky families who have faced these difficult situations.

Recently, a couple turned to a social media platform in an effort to draw attention to their case and possibly aid other service members who are dealing with losing custody of a child due to a relocation or deployment. The father in this case was recently sent with his unit to serve in a mid-eastern country. Shortly after his deployment, the biological mother of his 11-year-old child petitioned the court for temporary custody.

The local court granted the petition, and the boy has been moved to the home of the mother who has not had legal custody of him for nine years. The father had since married, and the child was residing with his father and stepmother since he was 2 years old. The child has purportedly asked that his father continue to fight for him to be returned to his custody.

The couple have filed appeals in the Oklahoma Supreme Court in their fight to have custody restored to the father. The couple explained that they turned to Facebook postings in order to help draw attention to the plight of other active duty service members who face the risk of losing child custody rights. Residents in Kentucky who are struggling to resolve these issues may seek the skilled assistance of an experienced family law professional in an effort to ensure that the best interests of the children involved are at the center of any parenting agreements.

Source:, “Soldier, wife take child custody appeal to social media“, Amelia Mugavero, Dec. 27, 2017

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