Does Your Occupation Mean You Are Headed For A Military Divorce?
On behalf of of Schaffner Family Law posted in divorce on Wednesday, July 19, 2017.
Researchers are always trying to determine what factors lead to the end of marriages. Recently, Zippia, a career website, conducted its own study using U.S. Census data to determine what occupations see the most divorces by the age of 30. Service members here in Kentucky and elsewhere may be interested to know that three of the top 10 spots were filled by U.S. military occupations. Does a service member’s occupation mean he or she could be headed for a military divorce?
The number one spot went to those who coordinate the activities and lead the operations conducted by enlisted personnel. An astounding 30 percent of these service members face divorce. Next were those enlisted personnel involved in air weapons and tactical operations. When the divorce rate for all military personnel was examined, it was discovered that the rate was 15 percent.
The high instance of divorce is attributed to the unique challenges facing military personnel and their families. Issues such as pay, deployments and the dangers many soldiers face tend to put undue stress on a marriage. It should not come as a surprise that more frequent and/or longer deployments increased the number of divorces as well. Moving around frequently may also play a role in the end of many military marriages.
Of course, military couples also face the same trials and tribulations of civilian couples here in Kentucky. Therefore, they must also deal with the same issues when they end their marriages with other issues specific to serving in the Armed Forces added to the mix. Those additional issues that are exclusive to a military divorce often require the assistance of an attorney who understands how a divorce affects both the service member and his or her spouse.
Source: MarketWatch, “Americans in this field have the highest rate of divorce by age 30“, Kari Paul, July 15, 2017