Ex Accepted Alimony For Years After Divorce And Remarriage
On behalf of of Schaffner Family Law posted in divorce on Friday, November 4, 2016.
An example is found in the case of a man who recently sought advice concerning long-standing alimony payments. At the time of the divorce, his wife was a stay-at-home mother and had minor children living within the home. However, after her youngest child went to college, the mother re-entered the workforce. Her former husband estimates that she now makes in excess of $100,000 per year.
She also remained living in the family home, which no longer had a mortgage. Her former husband was aware that she moved her boyfriend into the property some time ago. However, he was unaware that she went on to marry the boyfriend nearly 9 years ago. In the time since, she has continued to accept alimony payments, even though she remarried.
Her former husband is looking for advice on how to cease ongoing alimony payments and perhaps have a portion of his payments returned. In order to do so, he will need to approach a family law court and make a strong argument that his wife was wrong to continue cashing checks long after her divorce and remarriage. His story serves as a warning to all Kentucky spouses of the need to remain informed about the marital status of a spouse who is also the recipient ongoing spousal support.
Source: Boston Herald, “Divorce 101: Ex took alimony for years after remarrying“, Gerald Nissenbaum, Oct. 23, 2016