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House Not Ready For Proposed Bill To Delay Divorce In Kentucky

A family court judge in Kentucky tried to convince legislators to put a few hurdles in the way of divorcing spouses to get them to stop and see if such a drastic step is avoidable. It did not work — this time. Lawmakers decided not to consider the proposal to delay the divorce process for couples with children. After hearing testimony on the proposed bill, the House Judiciary Committee found no consensus for changing the state’s existing divorce laws.

The proposed bill would have required the divorce cases of couples with children to be postponed for six months to see if there was a possibility of reconciliation. Couples would then attend a hearing with a judge who would determine whether the breakdown of their marriage is irrevocable. A provision was also included that allowed for the state of the couple’s relationship to be assessed by a mental health professional.

Another family court judge spoke against the proposed bill, saying that although she respects the intentions, it could intensify a stressful situation for both parents and children by dragging out a decision that has already been made. Furthermore, she said the additional costs and time could cause financial problems for divorcing couples. Reportedly, couples whose divorces are handled by the judge who proposed the bill are already paying higher legal fees due to the additional procedures he requires.

Divorce laws often change over time, and Kentucky residents might benefit from consulting with an experienced divorce attorney before filing for divorce. A lawyer can provide answers to any questions they might have, and explain the procedures under applicable laws. The attorney can handle the filing of the papers in the court along with any litigation or alternative divorce proceedings that may follow.

Source:, “Bill that would slow divorce cases in Kentucky stalls in House“, John Cheves, March 2, 2017

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