The Divorce Process May Be Less Stressful With Different Focus
On behalf of of Schaffner Family Law posted in divorce on Wednesday, June 6, 2018.
The end of a marriage can be emotionally, mentally and financially taxing. Though the divorce process can seem unending, there are some steps that may help make the process more manageable. Kentucky residents who are contemplating all of the aspects of their impending dissolution may benefit from keeping several key points in mind.
The first point to consider is that a divorce is simply a legal process. Though there are bound to be many conflicting emotions to endure, if one is able to approach a divorce as a step in ending a legal agreement, then it may help one keep things in perspective. It is suggested that in order to arrive at the best negotiating position one should determine ahead of time the things that one truly wishes to gain from a settlement. A list of goals may help form a concrete picture from which a spouse can work while attempting to understand what the former spouse may also be working to achieve.
One of the most important tasks to complete early in the process is to gather and assemble a complete financial assessment statement. This may include a credit report and a listing of all assets and liabilities. It is advised that each party open his or her own bank and credit accounts to establish independent credit. Along with the support offered by friends or family, a professional support system can prove to be invaluable.
Lastly, keeping the big picture of a life after divorce can provide a goal when one is reaching a settlement agreement. Once this document has been prepared, a thorough review can help ensure that it meets one’s needs in the best manner possible. A divorce is the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new start in life. An experienced family law attorney can provide guidance throughout the process for those Kentucky residents who have decided that a divorce is the best option for them.