How To Handle Emotional Issues And Work After A Divorce
On behalf of of Schaffner Family Law posted in divorce on Thursday, May 19, 2016.
In these situations, it is important to understand the types of leave that you may be entitled to. For example, you may be allowed to use Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) time to deal with personal issues. This is especially important if you are leaving an abusive relationship and you need time to heal from emotional as well as physical injuries.
Additionally, you may also be able to use disability insurance to cover your time away from work, since FMLA time is unpaid. As such, your employer may require you to bring a recommendation from your physician explaining that you need time off, and how long you will be away.
You may be uneasy about your co-workers finding out about why you were away. After all, divorce is not exactly an uplifting office conversation subject. You may also be afraid of what your colleagues may be saying behind your back. Nevertheless, there are some instances where personal pride should be set aside so that you can rest and get your life together.
As you see, these situations bring about family law and employment law questions. If you have questions about proper leave after divorce consult a family law attorneywith experience with employment leave questions.