Could The Collaborative Divorce Method Work For Your Case?
On behalf of of Schaffner Family Law posted in divorce on Tuesday, June 27, 2017.
As a successful and wealthy individual, you may have particular concerns when it comes to the division of assets. Because a drawn-out court battle may not suit your tastes or the tastes of your soon-to-be ex, you may wish to consider a more amicable approach, such as the collaborative divorce method.
Collaborative divorce
When divorcing couples choose to participate in collaborative divorce, they may feel more in control of the situation. Rather than having a judge make decisions regarding settlement outcomes, you and your spouse can work together with a team of professionals to remain civil, discuss possible terms and come up with the best settlement for your situation. Of course, in order for this method to have a higher chance of succeeding, both you and your spouse need to have a willingness to negotiate and compromise.
Informal setting
This type of approach may also prove more appealing because the process has a less formal setting than courtroom litigation. You and your attorney, as well as your spouse and his or her attorney, come to prearranged meetings in order to discuss the issues. Because you may have particular concerns regarding your assets, a financial specialist may also play a role in your proceedings. Of course, any outside professionals need to remain unbiased in order for the process to be collaborative.
Presenting your wishes
Collaborative divorce also allows for you and your spouse to have a say in what you hope the outcomes of the negotiations will yield. Therefore, you can present your desires and determine the aspects about which you feel willing to compromise and those about which you would prefer to remain adamant. If successful, you and your ex-spouse will feel comfortable with the outcomes and have saved time, money and stress in the process.
Speaking with an attorney
Because you likely do not have extensive knowledge on the collaborative divorce process, you may wish to find out more about this alternative dispute method. In order to gain reliable information, you may wish to consult with a seasoned Kentucky attorney experienced in the collaborative process.